
How to find a reference genome

The goal of many sequencing projects is to identify polymorphisms and mutations in sequenced samples.  These often include SNP's, indels, chromosomal rearrangements, and various kinds of spontaneous or induced changes in nucleotide sequence. …
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How to read Geneious variant call reports

Reading Geneious Reports Our clients often use Geneious to generate SNP/indel variant call reports.  A truncated report is available here.  (The number of SNP's/indels in a typical report can be quite large so we only show a few records…
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How long does sequencing take?

The turnaround time for HLA and genome sequencing varies based on the sequencing type, sample quality, and number of samples. We typically estimate turnaround between 10-15 business days for smaller projects, from the time your samples arrive…